I am Kristi. I placed my daughter Jenna on July 14th 2005.The placement is very open. She lives down on the West Coast of Florida and I get visit twice a year, phone calls, and pictures by email. I also was placed but mine was an International Placement from DRC Africa in 1982. I was only two and came to America with an American family. I did not know my biological father. My biological mother passed away when I was one. So I was with my family and relatives but they wanted more for me and gave me to an American family and they ended up getting me in 1982.
I am 28 years old and I have another daughter Whitney is 11 years old. My hobbies are travelling, surrfing the web, and collecting postcards. I have over 2,000!
Thanks for reading my story!
Kristi’s Story:
At the end of November 2004 I was late. I did not think I was pregnant but I did take a pregnancy test. My due date was July 15th, 2005 but I actually delivered on July 13th, 2005.
I started working on the placement from the week of Monday March 7th.My dad found out I was pregnant in March and said he knew a couple that were looking for a placement again. He gave them a call. So they decided to do it then and I went though a private lawyer. So he met with me on June 30th. I was really coming to reality before I was too but not as much as that day. I did get a worksheet with things to fill out. I also met with a placement specialist and even went to a support group twice before I placed my daughter.
Finally on July 13th I had my midwife and nurse and doula there. I arrived at the hospital at 9: 45 am. At 11:55 AM Jenna Aariah was born. The family arrived as did a few close friends who were allowed to visit. I received roses and Jenna and I were each given the exact same teddy bear so that I can always be with her in thought.

When Jenna left with the adoptive parent that was hard to see her go. Nine days later on July 24th they stopped by heading back from Northern Indiana.
I did not see her again until Thanksgiving 2005. She was already 4 months then. I saw her a year from that November 25th, 2006. I also saw her again on January 4th 2008. My placement is very open. They have my address, email address, and phone number. I also talk to Jenna on the phone. She has great conversational skills for being 3 years old.

The days also do get easier. I still get pictures of her. I also get DVD pictures of her. Jenna has 3 sisters. The adoptive parents have girls from China and she has another sister because I have a 11 year old daughter named Whitney that is her half sister. Jenna also has a new cousin from China that is not even two years old. She is not the youngest one anymore. She also has a sweet cousin from China name Leeanna. She sees her sister Whitney when she comes, that is about 4 times. She has been in Florida since July 2005.

I do miss her but she is in great hands. That is my story. You can contact me via email. kikizulu@hotmail.com I would love to hear from you all at there who we shared the same experience!! Thanks!!

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